Welcome to momentum -
commented videos of contact improvisation



While preparing for the ECITE 2001 (European CI Teachers Conference) in Berne, Swizerland, the idea of producing videos of CI with the participants in the conference arose. Due to organizational reasons this could not happen at this time. However, our interest in a collection of moving images of Contact Improvisation remained, so we initiated momentum in 2003.

Via mailing lists, websites, an announcement in Contact Quarterly and personal contacts we invited people to send videos that show different aspects of CI. The breadth of the possibilities ranged from snips of everyday practise or workshop documentation to excerpts from performances. To reflect the diversity of the individual contribution and the personal individual positioning in relation to CI, we asked all the contributors to supplement their video entry with a commentary.

With momentum we plan to gather a commented video archive of CI. We encourage everybody to send in a contribution so that we can publish a new DVD every 2 years. In this first volume we included all video entries we received so far, with many thanks to the contributors.

July 2005
Peter Aerni, Tinu Hettich, Christine Mauch and Thea Rytz

Addendum June 2022
momentum is no longer available in DVD form (who still has a DVD player :-) for this reason the articles are now available online here.

DVD Volume 1

momentum Volume 1/2005 was presented for the first time at the Bernerjam on July 01, 2005.
The videos can be played directly in a up to date browser (click on video still), the playback in full screen mode is possible by clicking on the fullscreen icon.

momentum Team/ 1’42

APPROCHES: Elinor Radeff/ Genève 1990/ 8‘18“
Danse: Elinor Radeff, Walter Weiler/ Video: Suska Loleteu/ Musique: Nino Rota

Ausschnitt: Peter Aerni/ Bern 2005/ 10‘09
Tanz: Peter Aerni, Christine Mauch/ Video: Peter Aerni

la caricia perdida: Sara Pozzoli/ Roma 2002/ 3‘40
Danza: Maura Falkenberg, Caterina Inesi/ Video: Sara Pozzoli, Maria Grazia, Pandolfo/ Testo: Alfonsina Storni

Mein Contact-Improvisations-Glossar: Patrick Collaud/ Bern 2005/ 12’57“
Tanz: Monique Kroepfli, Brigitta Renggli, Bena Zemp Cornelia Blättler, Mirjam Kündig, Mary Staub, Joachim Dietiker, Patrick Collaud
Idee und Text: Patrick Collaud

Contactschnitt-2000: Gerald Bingemer/ Karlsruhe 2000/ 3‘58
Tanz: Gerald Bingemer, Thomas Meyer/ Video: Gerald Bingemer/ Musik: Jürgen Grassl
dancescape.Grimsel: Tinu Hettich/ Bern 2003/ 9‘52
Tanz, Video: Tinu Hettich, Ivo Knill, Katharina Wüthrich
Text: Ivo Knill

Mit Leib und Seele: Adrian Russi, Eva Widmann/ Basel 2004/ 12‘24
Tanz: Adrian Russi, Eva Widmann/ Video: Christian Jamin

Performance en espacios non convencionales: Claudio Roderiguez/ Buenos Aires 2003/ 12‘07
Danza: Ariel Rizzo, Eduardo Chavarria, Tanya Lia Rojo, Marcela Cabo Fustaret, Alicia Colella, Francisco Faure, Sergio Gonzalez Aleman, Mauro Bianchin, Luciana Palacios, Analia Bustamente Pablo Mercurio, Magdalena Caprioglio, Adrian Messore, Nicolas C./ Video: Diego Kantor

T.O.V.: Claire Filmon/ Paris 2005/ 8‘29
Danse: Claire Filmon. Mandoline Whittlesey/ Musique: Robert Jarvis and David Leahy

WHAREPAPA: Otto Ramstad, Olive Bieringa/ Wharepapa-New Zealand 2003/ 6‘15
Dance: Jade Dewi TyasTunggal, Wilhemeena Gordon, Gabriel Deighton, Fiona Gillespie, Otto Ramstad, Olive Bieringa, Alyx Duncan, Levity Beet, Mike Baker
Video: Alyx Duncan, Otto Ramstad, Olive Bieringa
Music: Monsieur Escargot,Peter Shu